
At Johnson and Lufrano, P.A., our practice also includes assisting clients with injunctions for protection. So if you’ve recently been served with a temporary or permanent injunction, or if you are debating whether you should seek one, contact our firm today and our experienced attorneys will be glad to help you.

What is an Injunction and how can it impact you?

An injunction is a formal order by a court, which typically prohibits a person from having any kind of contact or communication with someone else. But beyond merely prohibiting contact, an injunction can also prohibit you from living at a particular address, going to specific locations, or from possessing firearms. Additionally, through an injunction a Judge can order that a person enroll and complete in anger management or Batterers Intervention classes. Furthermore, the violation of an injunction or the failure to comply with the terms of an injunction can lead to a person’s arrest and incarceration. So don’t wait until an injunction has already been entered against you, contact us today and our experienced attorneys will be happy to assist you.