Matthew Lufrano Bio


Since graduating from law school and passing the Bar Exam, Matthew Lufrano has practiced exclusively as a criminal defense attorney and his sole focus has been defending the rights of the accused. Mr. Lufrano began his law career as an Assistant Public Defender in Jacksonville. As an APD, he hit the ground running, initially defending clients charged with misdemeanors before ultimately defending others facing felonies. Moreover, during his four-year tenure as an APD, Mr. Lufrano tried well over 60 cases to verdict on charges ranging from theft and DUI to first-degree murder. In 2012, Mr. Lufrano was named the Public Defender's Office Trial Attorney of the Year.

Then in early 2014, Mr. Lufrano left the Public Defender's Office with his good friend and colleague Diana Johnson. Their goal was to form a criminal defense firm in Jacksonville that could represent a client at all three possible levels of criminal prosecution: pretrial, trial and appeal. It was out of this dream that Johnson and Lufrano, P.A. was born. Since the Birth of his firm Mr. Lufrano has continued to defend the accused throughout Northeast Florida and he was even elected to serve as a Board Member for the local chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Originally hailing from Chicago Illinois, Matthew Lufrano moved to Jacksonville at the age of 6. It was in this wonderful city that Mr. Lufrano grew up, and he remained in Jacksonville for the next 12 years. During this time Mr. Lufrano attended Jacksonville Episcopal High School until his graduation in 2002. In fact it wasn't until college that he took a brief leave of absence from this city that he again calls home. Mr. Lufrano then attended the University of Florida in Gainesville for his undergraduate studies. There he studied both political science and psychology. In 2006, he was inducted into the prestigious honors society, Phi Beta Kappa, and graduated cum laude with bachelor's degrees in both political science and psychology. During his undergraduate years, Mr. Lufrano developed an intense passion for community service, and that drive to help others is something that remains with him to this day. Upon finishing his undergraduate work, Mr. Lufrano remained at the University of Florida to study law. It was during the first semester of law school that he received the book award for professional responsibility. Following his first year of studies at law school, Mr. Lufrano interned for the Federal Public Defenders Office in Jacksonville. As a legal intern, he learned about the vast web of vibrations that a criminal proceeding can have, as well as the importance of a vigorous defense. After this internship, he returned to Gainesville to complete his legal studies, but his passion for criminal defense never wavered and in 2009, Mr. Lufrano obtained his Juris Doctor and took his place as a defender of the accused.